Project Manager in Web Design and Digital Marketing


Project Manager

Management of Innovation Projects

Creative Consultancy

Brand Manual and Digital Strategy

Development of Digital Products

Management of Innovation Projects

Strategy for Content

Creating Content

Digital Strategic Design

Expert in Project Management and Digital Innovation

About me

I am a professional passionate about technology and creativity, with a solid experience and self-taught training applied to innovative projects.

My approach is not only limited to technical execution, but I also deeply value the integration of art and technology to create impactful multi-sensory experiences.

I am deeply motivated by finding solutions that are not only functional, but also aesthetically inspiring, taking visual storytelling and user experience to new levels.

I am excited to join a leading company where I can contribute my passion for innovation and learn in an environment that constantly challenges my limits and allows me to grow both personally and professionally.


Management of Digital Projects

Planning and execution of web and digital technology projects, ensuring on-time and on-budget delivery.

Agile Methodologies

Experience in implementing agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean to optimise development processes.

Resource and Team Management

Effective coordination of multidisciplinary teams, allocation of resources and monitoring of tasks and objectives.

Data Analysis Metrics

Use of tools and data analysis to assess project performance and make informed decisions.

Managing Risks and Problems

Proactive identification of potential risks and effective problem solving to maintain project continuity.

Project Management Tools

Project Management Tools Proficiency in project management software such as JIRA, Asana, Trello, and Google Workspace.


  • Effective Communication 70% 70%
  • Management of Time 65% 65%
  • Leadership 60% 60%
  • Analytical Thinking 95% 95%
  • Empathy and interpersonal skills: 80% 80%
  • Planning and Organising Power 95% 95%

Last project in progress

Mallah and the Sixth Dimension

Fusión de Arte, Editorial y Creación Musical

Project Objectives

My project aims to unite technology and art, using artificial intelligence not as a tool to replace humans, but as one that amplifies our capabilities and enriches the quality of our creative expressions. I see artificial intelligence as a new sense, an extension of human intelligence that can elevate our artistic and literary works to new heights.

Ultimately, the world is about people creating things for other people, and in this case, artificial intelligence is a mouldable tool that we must learn to use responsibly and creatively. I have always dreamed of reconciling art with technology and the professions.

Often, art is perceived as a hobby or a pleasurable activity, distant from professional productivity. However, I believe that art is as professional and productive as any other job. Artists, often struggling to adapt to the professional world, can find in technology an ally to boost their economy and recognition. I want to show that art and technology are not separate worlds, but can coexist and complement each other harmoniously.



Digital Wondow Prototype Project

Client Ismitca Construction Company

Innovation and Planning

  • Objective: The main objective was to maximize the sale of SOGNO II apartments in the shortest possible time. Create a digital presence for the brand and overcome the past of Javier, an investor who already had a previous project SOGNO building that after almost 3 years of construction still had unsold units.
  • Result: Thanks to these coordinated actions, we managed to sell 70% of the available units in less than a year, and before completing 50% of the total construction. This success not only optimized the financial returns for the client, but also set a new standard of efficiency in the management of real estate development projects (the last 3 units are not sold due to commercial strategy, we have buyers in waiting!)
Brand Manual

The objective in creating the brand manual for Constructora Ismitca was to establish a coherent and professional visual identity that reflects the company’s values and mission. The brand manual serves as a guide to ensure consistency in the use of graphic elements, colors, fonts and logos in all communications and marketing materials, strengthening the brand image and facilitating recognition and trust by customers and partners.

Graphic Pieces

The objective in creating the brand manual for Constructora Ismitca was to establish a coherent and professional visual identity that reflects the company’s values and mission. The brand manual serves as a guide to ensure consistency in the use of graphic elements, colors, fonts and logos in all communications and marketing materials, strengthening the brand image and facilitating recognition and trust by customers and partners.

Web Site

The website of the Constructora Ismitca project (Sogno II Building) was fundamental as an institutional information center and marketing strategy. Visually appealing with detailed images and effective calls to action, centralizing key information for potential buyers. It facilitated lead generation, conversion of visitors into buyers, and supported various digital marketing strategies. It also improved interaction with users, providing transparency and strengthening trust in the project.

Social Media Content

I worked with the axis to continuously adapt the content and tone of voice according to the stages of the project and the needs of the users. From launch to completion, each phase was accompanied by messages and visuals that evoked positive and aspirational emotions. This not only strengthened the brand’s identity in the market, but also cultivated a genuine relationship with our followers, establishing a solid foundation for future projects of the construction company.

What was the challenge in this project?

  • Limited budget: One of the main challenges on this project was managing a tight budget while maintaining the expectation of producing a digital storefront with all the elements and level of quality that would normally be expected from a full in-house design team. The objective was to maximize available resources to achieve high performance and meet the client’s expectations in terms of design and functionality.
  • Solution: Faced with this challenge, I adopted a strategic approach focused on resource optimization and service customization. To reduce costs without compromising quality, I designed a detailed plan based on a meticulous timeline and specific tasks, tailored to the client’s most specific needs; initially, I conducted an exhaustive data analysis of previous clients, competitors and the market in general. This research was instrumental in identifying key opportunities and areas where we could maximize efficiencies.

    I worked closely with an in-house real estate sales team and architect, as well as the construction company, to gather detailed information and ensure a complete understanding of the project requirements.

    I used artificial intelligence tools strategically to automate processes and optimize the use of limited human resources. This combination made it possible to maintain a high level of performance and effectively meet customer expectations.

Project Summary Results

As Project Manager for the MICA Constructors project (Sogno 2), I designed a comprehensive social media strategy that became the heart of our digital strategy. Recognizing the need to create deep, organic connections with our target audience, we chose platforms like Facebook and Instagram for their ability to effectively reach potential homebuyers.

From the beginning, I envisioned these platforms as dynamic extensions of our website, using daily content to open virtual doors to our project. Each publication was meticulously tailored to reflect the different phases of construction and promotion, adjusting the message according to the changing needs and expectations of our audience.

Without relying on paid campaigns, we focus on organic growth, leveraging the authenticity and emotional connection that only well-managed social networks can offer. This approach not only increased visibility and engagement, but also boosted trust in our brand and accelerated the conversion of leads into buyers.

Every decision and every publication was carefully thought out as part of a broader strategy, ensuring that every online interaction drove our ultimate goal: to sell 70% of the units in less than a year and before 50% of the construction was completed. This strategic approach not only met, but exceeded our expectations, demonstrating the power of digitally integrated project management focused on long-term success.

Lessons Learnt and Future Applications

Undoubtedly applying digital glass to Constructora Ismitca’s project to effectively manage tight budgets, implement customised solutions with the help of artificial intelligence, and collaborate closely with diverse teams such as architects and sales teams among many other things.

As Project Manager, I envision an exciting future for Vidriera Digital as an innovation collective dedicated to solving the needs of small and medium-sized ventures with limited budgets. This project not only seeks to offer affordable technology solutions, but also to provide a platform where junior entrepreneurs can gain invaluable experience in the field of technology from the early stages of their careers. This dual approach not only strengthens the business community, but also fosters a collaborative environment where knowledge is shared and multiplied, thus driving continuous innovation and sustainable growth for all involved.


Projet Manager Media Party

Innovation and Journalism Event

Innovation and Planning

  • Objectives: To carry out the organization of the event from production, achieving the development of the event in time and form.

    Project Challenges: In this type of event, the biggest challenges are time and budget. The closing with the sponsors that fund the event, such as Facebook and Google, occurs almost every year close to the dates of the event so managing budgets. Holding a Media Party every year is really a significant pyramid challenge.

    Summary of Project and Results: As part of the General Production of the event carried out by Mariana Berruezo and Mariano Blejman, I was assigned the executive management of the project. The major difficulties included synchronizing the delivery times of each team: programming, design, dissemination and social media.

    I implemented the overall planning and task list prioritizing with Agile methodology, always prepared for dynamism in changes and setbacks. I actively participated in the preparation and negotiation of the budget and in the management of groups and work teams, such as programming, design, communications and social media departments, as well as volunteer communities of universities and meetup.


  • Survey of hearings.
  • Design and production of the event.
  • Web site design and implementation.
  • Graphics for sched, Meetup and social media.
  • Clear communication of the content offer.
  • Itineraries by audience profile
  • Obtaining emails from attendees and content feedback.
  • Preparation of communication materials.


  • Elaboration of a list of general tasks and by sector.
  • Elaboration of the ongoing installation plan.
  • Mediation of conflicts between areas to unblock, escalate and move forward.
  • Elaboration of the requirements plan by simultaneous activities.
  • Work plan and volunteer training (UADE and Meetup)
  • Management of the revenue control system and start-up, including hiring.
  • Selection and Hiring of New Suppliers
  • Elaboration of regulations for exhibitors.
  • Distribution and task fulfillment survey using Slack and Trello.
  • Progress documentation.
Lessons Learnt and Future Applications

This project forged Applied Conflict Resolution Skills.

  1. Effective Communication:
  • Facilitation of open and constructive discussions between teams.
  • Clear communication of itineraries and content offerings.
  • Mediation and Negotiation:
    • I acted as an impartial intermediary between the conflicting parties to ensure the progress of the project.
    • Successful negotiation with suppliers and sponsors.
  • Empathy and Understanding:
    • I understood and respected the concerns of each team, fostering an environment of trust.
    • Effective management of volunteers, ensuring their integration and motivation.
  • Analysis of problems:
    • Identification of root causes of delays and problems in task delivery.
    • Development of strategies to address and solve these problems.
  • Stress Management:
    • Maintain calm and composure under pressure, helping teams manage their stress.
    • Promote a positive and supportive work environment.
  • Decision Making:
    • Quick and effective decision making in conflictive situations.
    • Evaluation of possible consequences and acting with fairness and equity.
  • Problem Solving:
    • Generation of creative and effective solutions to conflicts.
    • Implementation of action plans and monitoring of their effectiveness.
  • Leadership and Authority:
    • Lead with confidence and authority, inspiring teams to work together.
    • Foster an environment of respect and professionalism.
    Lessons Learnt and Future Applications

    Importance of Planning:

    I have made many mistakes that taught me how to optimize.

    • Creating a clear roadmap and defining specific milestones helps keep the project on track and on time.

    Collaboration and Communication:

    Maintaining open communication with all stakeholders is essential. For example, a misunderstanding with a customer due to a lack of clear communication led to the implementation of regular meetings and weekly status updates to align expectations.


    Flexibility and Adaptability:

    Adopting an agile methodology allows us to adapt quickly to changes in customer requirements or technical challenges. For example, after facing unexpected changes in a project, the adoption of shorter sprints allowed for better management of customer expectations.


    User Experience (UX) focus:

    Ensuring that the user experience is intuitive and engaging is critical. For example, one website had a high bounce rate due to confusing navigation, leading to a complete overhaul of the interface design and user testing to improve usability.