Art and technology can merge

Prototype: AI and Creativity

A Fusion of Art, Technology, and Fantastic Narrative

Mallah and the Sixth Dimension

Mallah and the Sixth Dimension

Innovative Representation of Art and Technology in Mallah and the Sixth Dimension
Visual Detail of Technology in Mallah and the Sixth Dimension
Project Title

Mallah and the Sixth Dimension

Digital Showcase in Progress…


Expand to enhance the experience

Letter from the Author

“Mallah and the Sixth Dimension”

To the general public…

It is an honor to present my project “Mallah: and the Sixth Dimension”, a proposal that merges art and technology through the contribution of artificial intelligence, with the aim of exploring and expressing creativity in innovative ways. In our generation, all of us adults have contributed to the development and integration of artificial intelligences into our daily lives.

Once mere futuristic ideas, these technologies are now invading and transforming our spaces, generating controversy about their impact on the workplace and their responsible use. As professionals and educators, we have a responsibility to guide new generations in merging artificial intelligence with daily life, work, hobbies and art.

My project aims to combine technology and art, using artificial intelligence not as a tool that replaces the human being, but as one that amplifies our capabilities and enriches the quality of our creative expressions. I see artificial intelligence as a new sense, an extension of human intelligence that can elevate our artistic and literary works to new heights.

Ultimately, the world is about people creating things for other people, and in this case, artificial intelligence is a moldable tool that we must learn to use responsibly and creatively. Desde siempre he soñado con reconciliar el arte con la tecnología y las profesiones.

Art is often perceived as a hobby or a pleasurable activity, far removed from professional productivity. However, I consider art to be as professional and productive as any other job. Artists, often struggling to adapt to the professional world, can find in technology an ally to boost their economy and recognition. I want to show that art and technology are not separate worlds, but can coexist and complement each other harmoniously.

This project aims to firmly assert that both art and technology are professional and productive fields, dreaming of a future where this fusion is seen as a new norm, where digital art and artificial intelligence are integrated into everyday life.


Artists and Technologists Collaborating in Mallah and the Sixth Dimension


What is the connection with charcoal art?

In Mallah’s story, charcoal art is not just a technique, but a manifestation of the “Quantum Agenda” and a symbol of transformation. In the book, we will explore how charcoal and paper, noble in their simplicity, narrate the journey of a tree through its metamorphosis into art. Each charcoal stroke reflects the depth of this transformation, revealing messages of change and growth that will resonate in each chapter Thus, art becomes the means to unravel the very essence of our history.

Mallah and Sixth Dimension Project - Book and Canvas Support


Why Fantasy Literature?

Because it offers an enchanting refuge where imagination flourishes without limits. This genre allows us to explore worlds and situations beyond everyday reality, providing a fresh perspective on deep issues with grace and sophistication. It provides an escape from routine with fascinating stories, while addressing philosophical and social issues with wit and symbolism. In addition, its versatility appeals to a diverse audience, expanding the reach of our work and leaving a memorable imprint in the reader’s mind.

Music in the history of Mallah and its emotional connection.


Why is Music Vital to This Project?

As in life, music in this project is the invisible thread that connects each part, offering harmony in diversity and unity in complexity. It is through music that stories come to life, resonating deep within, reminding us that, as in a melody, everything has a purpose and a place in the final composition. Music gives my life a sense of belonging, a refuge and constant inspiration, and that is what I seek to share with every part of this project.


Echo of Transformed Emotions

Lady Princess

Lady Princess
Project details

“Mallah and the Sixth Dimension”


Mallah and the Nine Dimensions is a literary work that merges elements of science fiction with magical realism, addressing deep and universal themes through Mallah’s journey. The story explores not only different dimensions of the universe but also the emotional and psychological dimensions of the human being, particularly during pre-adolescence. This narrative is deeply rooted in Argentine culture, with nuances of French culture, creating a cultural bridge between these two worlds.


The protagonist, Mallah, is a young Argentine girl who discovers her ability to travel through nine different dimensions. Each dimension presents a challenge and a lesson, and in each one, Mallah develops skills and knowledge that help her better understand the world and herself. Through these dimensions, Mallah confronts her own fears and emotions, learning to handle the difficult situations of pre-adolescence.

Book Structure

The book is divided into nine chapters, each corresponding to one of the dimensions. Each chapter is accompanied by a charcoal artwork that visually represents the essence of the dimension and a musical piece that complements the narrative experience.

The Nine Dimensions

  1. First Dimension: Mallah enters a place where genetic codes and the physical laws that sustain life intertwine, revealing the essence of her being and her connection to the origin.
  2. Second Dimension: An eternal forest where Mallah could learn about the energy that sustains life and the principles of survival, exploring evolution.
  3. Tercera Dimensión: Su viaje es aprender a ver más allá de la realidad física, enfrentando su miopía y astigmatismo como símbolos de una percepción limitada.
  4. Fourth Dimension: She meets the Master of Time, a character who teaches Mallah about the management of time and emotions, helping her understand her path and mission.
  5. Fifth Dimension: Mallah experiences unity in a field of infinite possibilities, where unconditional love and compassion transform the perception of reality.
  6. Sixth Dimension: Understand the Understand sacred geometry and archetypal forms. The importance of intentional creation based on harmony. Mallah searches for the medallion that could solve the enigma of her vision.
  7. Seventh Dimension: Council of Souls: A group of beings who guide the evolution of souls in the lower dimensions. Mallah may be brought before this council to receive a crucial mission on her journey.
  8. Eighth Dimension: Library of Laws: A place where the universal laws are found. Mallah tries to understand these laws to solve the enigma of the medallion and her vision.”
  9. Ninth Dimension: The final dimension, an encounter with darkness. Mallah discovers the secret of the game of life… We won’t reveal more to surprise you with the ending of this story.

Cultural Setting

The story is mainly set in Argentina, with significant influences from French culture. This bicultural approach not only enriches the narrative but also celebrates cultural diversity and offers a bridge between two worlds.

Gallery Experience

The book will be presented in an art gallery where the centerpiece will be the book, surrounded by nine large charcoal artworks. Each of the musical pieces will play for five minutes, creating a 45-minute experience in total, allowing visitors to fully and immersively immerse themselves in the universe of Mallah.


Mallah, una joven argentina de 15 años, siempre intuyó que el mundo escondía algo más allá de lo que sus ojos podían ver. Desde que tenía ocho años, comenzó a notar pequeñas distorsiones en su visión, señales sutiles de una realidad que se desdoblaba ante ella. Pero no fue hasta sus quince años que todo cambió de manera irrevocable. Su percepción del mundo se fragmentó, revelando dimensiones ocultas que la mayoría ni siquiera imagina.

What follows is an extraordinary journey, narrated by Mallah herself in the first person, where her reality crumbles and is rebuilt in ways impossible to describe with common words. Mallah is summoned by the god of the Sixth Dimension to retrieve the stolen medallion. As she traverses these dimensions trying to find the culprit, she encounters exceptional beings: Aura, guardian of primordial existence, who teaches her to shape reality with a simple touch; DoubleVision, who shows her how to see beyond the shadows and uncover truths that others overlook; Space-Time, who guides her through the challenges of the physical world, teaching her the importance of the present and the decisions made within it. Along the way, she meets the gods of the dimensions and many other extraordinary beings.


Each chapter was a new challenge for Mallah, where her strength is tested and the limits of what is possible are blurred. The story not only follows her evolution and discoveries but also envelops the reader in a deep sensory and emotional journey, making them a participant in the revelations and mysteries that Mallah encounters along the way.

And although this is only the beginning, the story promises surprises and unexpected twists that will keep the reader on the edge of their seat until the end. The greatest revelations, the deepest secrets, and a destiny that defies all logic await the reader in this tale that, although narrated by a young girl, tackles the most universal questions of existence.

With each chapter, the reader will immerse themselves in a unique experience that will lead them to explore the dimensions and connect them with the ‘real world,’ beyond imagination, leaving an indelible mark on their mind. Mallah’s story is not just a journey through dimensions, but also an exploration of the power that resides within each of us, and how that power can change the course of the universe.

About the Authors…

Vanesa del Carmen López and Ludmila López, authors of the Mallah and the Sixth Dimension project

Vanesa DC Lopez, a single mother, and her daughter Ludmila Lopez are the minds behind the fascinating project “Mallah and the Sixth Dimension”. Vanesa, a designer, developer, artist and writer, has been immersed in the world of technology since the age of 15. She leads the direction and writing of this exciting story, in addition to creating much of the charcoal artwork. Ludmila Lopez, who received a scholarship to UTDT for her excellent GPA, has been influenced by her mother and an environment full of creativity from a very young age. In addition to composing poignant lyrics and music, Ludmila manages the project while enjoying participating in literary editing and charcoal painting afternoons. Together, they combine their passions and face challenges wholeheartedly, trying to leave a cultural footprint. Find out more about these inspiring women and their amazing project!

We Are Working to Complete the Information.